viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

The Joy of Reading and Writing: A New Beginning

I come from a place in which reading is something almost unheard, from where teenagers find pleasure in obscene music, from that description alone you may wonder from where am I referring, because ism't the whole world that way nowadays?

And with fear in my heart I finally decided on blogging.

People is always asking me: "Why don't you start a blog?", "Would you ever write a book?" and the latest "How would you call your book?"

So presumptuous assumptions instead of empowering me, scare me sometimes.

I believe in power through words and maybe no one would follow me because truth is, I don't think I would ever host grand giveaways, but at least I can feel I'm giving a little piece of my so-called-knowledge to the world and sharing what I know about books.

I maybe young, I may not know what I plan to do with my life, but I'll always have words even if sometimes they fail me or I fail them we would always be together, like I hope books will always be with me.

I'll wrap things up now because I fear I may get cold feet if I keep on writing.

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