jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Review: Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez

Chronicle of a Death Foretold  

 A mysterious and haunting tale of romance and murder, that begins with the marriage of a man and a woman in love. But when he inexplicably mistreats his beloved on the night of the wedding, he is in turn murdered by her brothers, and we are left with a strange sense of inevitability and passions gone terribly awry.
Description: Goodreads.com

Paperback: 120 pages
Published: October 7th 2003 by Vintage 


One of the most respected and celebrated novella of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It narrates the chronicle of Santiago Nasar and how his dead came to be in the full knowledge of the whole town who did nothing to stop him because his dead was so well known they all assumed he knew it too. Killed for a crime he did not commit his story is narrated by his best friend.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez astonished me unlike any other writer with so few pages. The guilt of the town and the secrecy of Angela Vicario of a secret that is never reveal, join together in this beautiful read.
Overall, anyone who has enjoyed his novels before can delight with this novella and his new readers can relish in the new found author.

didn't like itit was okliked itreally liked itit was amazing (my current rating) -- 5 STARS!

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