jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Review: The Mermaid's Mirror by L.K. Madigan

The Mermaid's Mirror
Lena has lived her whole life near the beach — walking for miles up and down the shore and breathing the salty air, swimming in the cold water, and watching the surfers rule the waves — the problem is, she’s spent her whole life just watching.
As her sixteenth birthday approaches, Lena vows she will no longer watch from the sand: she will learn to surf.
But her father — a former surfer himself — refuses to allow her to take lessons. After his near drowning years ago, he can’t bear to let Lena take up the risky sport.
Yet something keeps drawing Lena to the water . . . an ancient, powerful magic. And one morning Lena catches sight of this magic: a beautiful woman — with a silvery tail.
Now nothing can stop Lena from seeking the mermaid, not even the dangerous waves at Magic Crescent Cove.
And soon . . . what she sees in the mermaid’s mirror will change her life forever.

Description: Goodreads.com 
Paperback: 336 pages
Published:  October 4th 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Books for Children


The Story: A girl who has felt a deep connection with the sea finds herself restricted by her father's fear over a mysterious accident.
I am a big fan of mermaids, I always found them enthralling so I was very excited when I got this book. 
But I must admit it was very clichéish at times.
The Mermaid's Mirror is a great book for sea lovers and it's about a girls decision. I had great fun reading it, although not a huge fan of how things ended up. 
Complain: I did not believed how fast love developed between the main character and another character, but it was believable enough to make us want to read more. 
Overall, the Mermaid's book was not a great book, but a good one and a quick, nice read. And I sure hope there's a sequel to wrap things up.

didn't like itit was okliked it (my current rating)really liked itit was amazing 3 stars!

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